
Hey everyone!

We’re excited to announce that we’re releasing a new figure!  The Zombie Twi’lek is the newest addition to our minifigure line up.

Zombie Twi'lek

The new twi’lek dancer features pad printing on the arms and legs.

We hope you enjoy the new figure as much as we did making it!

-The Arealight Team

Charged Up and Ready to go!

Hey Everyone!

We’re excited to announce a new printed item today!

The Charged Darkblade is a printed version of our darkblade with a crackling energy effect. This item comes printed on both our Black and Silver Darkblades.Mandalore forever!

Pick yours up on June 15th, 2018 and give your figures the upper hand in close range combat.

Happy Building!

-Arealight Team

Cold Captains Join the Line Up

Summer’s here, but that’s not stopping us from releasing cool new custom figures! Stop by our e-shop or one of our many distributors to pick up Cold Captain RX, Cold Captain WLF and Cold Trooper.

Cold Trooper

Each figure will include the following:

  • Their respective printed Assault Helmet
  • 1 Printed Head
  • 1 Printed Torso with A Pair of Printed Arms
  • 1 White Waist Cap
  • 1 Black Trooper Rifle

As always, we hope you enjoy these new figures and happy customizing!

-Arealight Team

A Leader Rises.

We’re excited to announce a new figure to add to our line up!

Hunter Bo Phase 2 joins the ranks to help lead your other plastic warriors in their conquests!

A Leader Rises

This pack will include:

  • 1x Blue BO2 Hunter Helmet
  • 1x Dark Gray BO2 Jetpack
  • 1x Printed Head
  • 1x Printed Torso a long with printed arms
  • 1x Pair of printed legs
  • 1x Silver BO Vambraces
  • 1x Silver Darkblade

In addition to this release, we would like to announce a few other items that were recently added to our site:

The BOB Jetpack. An updated version of our previous BOB Jetpack.

Silver Fet Vambraces. A silver print of the BOB Vambraces.


We hope you enjoy these new offerings and, as always, happy building!

Shipping Updates

Hey Everyone!

With a heavy heart, we regret to inform our German customers that we will no longer be shipping to Germany.

Unfortunately, we are consistently running into issues when shipping product to orders to Germany. We request that you place your orders from our German resellers CBD (Custom Brick Design).

We apologize for any convenience this may cause.

-Arealight Team